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Monday, September 06, 2004

Hehe... This Is TIFFI... One of my Lurvely fren ard in Poly!! SmuackERxx.. Lurve her to Bitz!! Hehez.. Posted by Hello! I'm FinaLLY back home SWEET home!! Jsut got back from DArlingx place!! Oh manx.. I'm missing him so badly now!! Friday'z Outing was totally gr8 i suppose.. even though I DIDNT GET TO SHOP n blame it on my DArling after meeting him!! Nearly got myself a FEW roXy Stuffiex BUt thank GOODNESS... I did not!! Well well.. I really love Roxy stuff alot.. BUT just dun have the MONEY to go get it!!I'm so Farking POOR.. can u guys BELIEVE it?? Haha...!! Liting.. Dat isnt any GUCCI top larx.. Itz just a NORMAL U2 women clothingz.. GAga.. u're TRICKED! Hehe.. oh.. Thankx Fadz for the Food yea..?? U're indeed a TOTAL gentleman.. Keep it up the GOOD WORK!! Hahahaha... ALamakx.. Wat m i driving to manx.. haha!! Newayx.. went ta have HAnz for Dinner wif DArling.. n met up wif Tiffi to Say GOODBYE!! Hehe.. i guess FRIday was the DAY that i dun wanna PASS so fast BUT.. too bad.. Itx gone!! Hehe.. Darling came over to stay at my place.. we bought curry puffz for mummy n WAtch Teebee together wif her at her room!! Oh... This is the FIRSt time i brought a GUY to My Mummy's room!! Hehe.. After the show, i STUDIED!! Oh my gosh... but when i wanted to do my CMS, it kinda.. Blocked!! oh manx.. i blame it on my darling for it again.. n he was TOTALLY pissed n nearly Flare his TOTAL anger at me.. i was scared of course.. BUT it all ended wif just ONE big hug!! Hehe.. Lurve u ALot my dearie!! We had alot of fun playing my com n imaging photox.. WIf each other features.. gee.. I look like a TOTAL alien wif his body n he look like a TOTAL Ah gua wif my body...! Had a wonderful night wif my darling as we talk alot abt my future n stuff!! Hugging him like a big bolster.. I FELL asleep SWEETLY!! We both woke up at abt 10 plus in da morning.. n Mummy went out to get food for us!! Gee... she'z so sweet!! She came home with KFC n COOked Bee hoon for us!! Darling n i packet some bee hoon to his place n We both headed to darling'z place! We Slept AGAIN n ate some bee hoon after we woke up! Played mahjong after that n went off for DINNER! Gee... we all lost but his fren was really nice to TREAT us! Woke up on Sunday n headed to church! Did nothing dere... n we ended EATing ALOT at roxy square!! The food dere is really GOOD!! Hehe... Got back to his place at abt 4 plus n i slept till 7 plus! Had our dinner n RElax at his place till 11pm!! Geesh.. itz really hard for me to Leave his place!! Memories just wonder ard my mind.. n i nearly cried cause.. I miss Those timez wif him..! Dunno when will i have such a week again.. manx!! SCH finally STARTS today!! Got to sch pretty early.. n waited for those.. Lau Gu po!!! We were NEARLY LATE for mathx! thought that we end sch at 1pm But i was wrong!! Shitx.. !! Hafta stay in sch till 4pm! After classes, The weather Was really BAD! Got drench cause Xt n i ran under the rain to catch a cab!! Well... dunno if itz SWAY or so watever... after boarding the cab, the RAIN kinda STOPpED!! Shit right?? Make me waste money! Got myself a headache when i reached home!! I'm really TIRED today but Damn... I'm stuck wif SO many freaky test!! Heared that EI have got 2 weeks break.. WAT abt ours?? they got 2 weeks due to 1 stewpid paper of COmmon test! Wat abt us?? We have got SO MANY class test in one week..!! WHERez our LOng holi?? Geesh... I hate the arrangement of holiday... I want my holiday to be on next week cause thatz when my birthday FALLS!! Hey PEEP... SAW that BIRTHDAY word dere?? Hehe... yea..yea.. DO FLOOD me wif Prezee for i.. Lurve Surprises!! Hahahahhahaha... just kidding aaaiiigghhhttzz?? Aw manx.. So many test next week makes me wanna cry n MARKETING peepx... DO remember to do ur 5 E Quizzes by next tuesday.. Must hand up!! okie.. gtg now.. to STudy!!

Monday, September 06, 2004