
Went to watch warlords with Iz, Amanda, Kooi..CHI, his bro and Yipeng. The show was aiiighhhtt but abit BORING cause I'm ain't no person who is interested in WAR show. I guess the parts that I like are those where Takashi appears. He's like my ALL TIME favourite actor since I'm a child. Not really worth the 9.50 though. These are shows that I wouldn't mind watching if someone treats me for it. Haha!

Baby and I went to Bras Basah to get my xmas gift. Went to search for my text book too. Baby got me a xmas gift and then off we head to Raffles City. The weather was being good today again. IT WAS POURING! Thank god we brought an umbrella but it was too small to shelther the both of us so.. WE GOT DRENCH still. But it was fun running in the rain at times. Motive was to search baby's prezzie but ended up.. I got Lisa's gift exchange instead. She will sure love it cause I LOVE IT SO MUCH LAR... but it will be so stupid to get the same stuff for myself.. so I GAVE UP the thought of getting the item for myself and chose to give lisa for it. SHE WILL SURE LOVE IT.. I'm so sure.

Walking ard for so long got us FAMISHED. I'm craving for creamy chicken again and we had PASTAMANIA for dinner. Oh man... I must really say that SUNTEC PASTAMANIA's CREAMY CHICKEN is like.. so DELICIOUS! I'm so gonna go back for more man. We went to Marina Square after that and Luo Zhi Xiang happen to be there.. Oh man.. I can't stand those FAN-Zee lar! They are so CRAZY lar.. running and shouting as if the louder they shout, L.Z.X can go home with them like that.SOT!! Cant's get baby his present but finally found out what to get for him liao.. HE NEEDS A IPOD DOCK SPEAKERS with FM radio functions.(FM is for me.. hahah!)But the informative bf would rather check out for more info first instead of impulsive purchasing!
I really adore the present lar. Being a watch lover, obviously baby got me a WATCH lar. Like what he had promised me since DEC last year, he got me a DKNY watch. It was suppose to be Baby G but I cant see myself being that sporty and so baby chose the one with Swaroski Diamonds.

I reallly like this watch so MUCH la (other than the OMEGA watch that sis bought for me). Thank you so much baby!! *smuackers* I'm so gonna flaunt this watch ard.. GIRLS beWARE!!! Esp. u... Miss Lisa!

We got bored while listening to I touch in the bus heading home.. and here's LAMENESS brought to u by Lionel lee and Felicia Tan! How small my hand can be to be covered by his basketballer hand. Grr... what a baby hand I have here.
Sunday, December 16, 2007