Alrighty! I'm back blogging abt my weekends. Dear is OUT on SATURDAY from Tekong. No confinement for him. Thank god! Met up with him from Saturday afternoon. Slack ard his place till dinner time and off we have dinner with his parents. Got home and continued with THE SIMPSONS. Hahaha! Got ready and off we head to EAST COAST CHALET for one of his camp mate 21st bday. Hahahahhaha... all the bodaks were there. So cute and wierd to see the invasion of bodaks.
After the party, we went to Minds cafe. The last time I been there was with Jane and rest. Though its a different grp now but the excitement is still there. Did not really take much photos cause I'm totally not in the mood.
Movie after that with the grp. Rouge Assasin. A nice show I must say.. but the timing for the show is abit THE LATE! I slept for awhile cause the Michelle'z jacket and dear's shoulder acts as the BEST BED in the cinema at that time. However, I manage to wake up in time to watch the last part of the show and I must say.. the ending is GREAT! Got back to his place after tat. and KO! Hahaha..
Woke up at 11am thanks to mummy! We slept like 5 hrs or so only! Grr.. Studied a little and Off to my dreamland till 5pm! J8 after that to have our dinner and tata.. there he goes to his TEKONG again for the last time.
Test tomorrow and WED! Gonna skip Accounts this wed for baby'z POP! my first time attending POP! PRetty excited but yet.. sigh! Ok.. I'm so gonna snap like 1000000 shots of him doing the infantry ROAR! HAHAHHAHAH!
Ok.. 1 more week to my 21st bday. So.. what'z my bday wish? Sigh.. other than wishing a good life for my family, baby and I ... I WISH FOR.........
BeBE Tops
Actually.. i'm fine with anything but no WALLETs please! I just got myself a wallet from baby! I cant wait for my bday! Wooo hoo! THis week is gonna be a bestes week EVER! Wooo hoo!

ME with Gou gou (yes.. it is its NAME) GOU GOU!!!

Sunday, September 09, 2007