Ok! So what did I do for the whole of TUESDAY! I went for rebonding session! Woo hoo! like finally! I prefer having my hair straight.. so straight and comfortable! They even gave me free shampoo! Thanks Sis for such a GREAT OFFER! *Lurves* ! I will sure go back to have my hair cut! Very good!
Had dinner with the gfs! Casual dinner and I'm enjoying it! Guess we should have more of that. Dear finally called me at 9 plus! *miss*
Time table are out... the whole of next week... I'm STUDYING even on SATURDAY! until 5pm somemore.. dun worry tiffie.. I will still make it to ur bday party. Thank god that its only for a week... the rest are monday, wed and sat. Best is that the following week... will be only 1 day of sch till 5pm! Hahahah... thank god.. cause dear will be out on wed till SUN! Woo hoo! God is blessing me!
Ok.. nothing much to talk abt.. and I will be going town later with huifang.. to shop for her bf'z gift.