Ok! SO I'm back with more stories abt myself. Have been rather busy with work and my life. It has been work plus meeting with him for almost everyday since I started work. I would say.. I rather like this way.. as we seldom really quarrel that much now. No more heartbreakings and tears for almost a week. I lurve u GOD!
Working as an Accounting assistant is really a very very tedious job. At times.. i just felt TIRED and restless! Felt really bad when I cause my accountant to feel so stress up for me. I have been creating loads of mistakes for her to spot. Guess it would so much better if i hadnt work for her. Feel really bad! Working and studying is really 2 different thing. You have to give you 100 percent for work. Any mistakes made will probably cause the whole company to go hay wire which is like.. so so scary. I have been playing too much in sch that I find it so hard to adapt in such a serious life. Really have to buck up alot now!
Outing with frens have been reduced. NO TIME at all! I dun even have time to blog or do masking. There are like so so many things to do... but.. NO TIME! TIme is like so precious to me now! Have been buying alot too! Just bought a blusher and FANCL washing powder! Spend 100 bucks on FOOD this week... and plus my daily lunch... Sigh... 200 just spend in a week! Gonna do a chart for myself.. to how much I must spend every day liao! I must really save hard. Ok lar.. gtg now and rest! Seeya!