GR... I'm fucking doodle STRESS! What I really need is just some SHOPPING and probably.. some real GIRLS talk where I can complain all the stress I'm having now! I simply hate EXAMS! Find it rather funny why EXAMs are created when people only studies so hard for it and then forgets everything right after the paper! Hahahah! Well.. at least I'm one of them who does that! U can ask me anything now.. and I can tell u here or part thereof but if u ask me abt it.. right after the paper.. I WILL PROBABLY forget even the most basic thing! Hahaha! Well.. thats me.. FIFI TAN!
I really cant wait for tomorrow to come.. not for the paper but the activities AFTER THE PAPER! I'm gonna teach Mr Rai again and then.. off to TOWN to shop for baby's gift! Oh my.. time flies aeh.. its WED night already! I totally lose track of the time today! At 8.30am till 12pm.. I'm stuck at chapt 9 - ratio ANalysis ( which I am still farking blur at it) and then 12 till 3.30pm .. Chapt 10 which is still quite ALRIGHT! Issac called to tell me his posting and I ended up talking nonsense till 4.30pm! then back to books from 4.30 till 6pm.. HAD my dinner and bath and then back to books till 9pm! I'm not really done with it yet.. but JUST GIVING IT UP! I have enuff of everything! I felt the STRESS again.. and so its an excuse for me to close everything and SLEEP till song song! Not gonna bother if its gonna fail.. I already tried my best.. like what daddy always tells me.. FELI.. SLEEP EARLY.. we all know u tried ur best.. so.. dun study liao! OK... SO I'm gonna DO THAT TOdAY! Hahahhaha!
Just look at how pitiful it can be for a MAHJONG ADDICT to study on the mahjong table!! I have not touched the mahjong tiles for like.. 4 mths! Oh my.. someone please JIO me to make some NOISE man... I miss the sound of PONG, GONG.. HU!!!

The view from my study room! Nice right? Sigh... its even nicer when u're studying and the wind is blowing into the room.. and its COLD wind somemore! Sigh... I lurve the view from my flat man.. AT TIMEs.. if u're lucky.. u can see white CRANES, Eagles and MONKEY.. yes.. ALOT of it! Still remember how funny it is when baby came to my place to pass my macdonalds and there were so many monkey at the bridge! Was pretty worried at that time that they will attack him for the food! Wooo hoo.. but turns out.. MONKEY hates MACDONALDS!

Ok.. THIS IS THE STress fifi. Hm... looks like.. no white hair are seen yet! Thank GOD! Still.. Sigh.. my face is currently in the CUI situation! Look so dead! Mummy kept asking me to take care of my face and.. even bought facial products back for me... but AHhhhhhhhhh... WHERE GOT TIME! I'm so in need of ranting out my stress now man... HELP!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007