Me and my dearest Sis Meili before heading to hk the next day! *lurves*

hrs b4 heading to the airport! Both of us just got so excited abt the trip that we cant sleep at ALL! Have to resort into playing tiny mahjongs to fasten up the time! lol!

Us at the airport! We are indeed a happy couple jumping here and there! I lurve u my dear!! Look alike right? Wahhaha!

Us in the plane! The journey to hongkong was an enjoyable trip I must say! Food was great in the plane and the movies are funny! Cathay pacific ROX!I thought I would puke when the food comes.. but I finished up the whole tray of food! They even had haagen daz ice cream.. Yummilicious!

In hongkong, Safety is like so damn high tech lar! Their tv has a channel that shows cctv of all the lifts in that estate! Dear and I would switch to that channel to see if pple does dig their nose if they are alone in the lift! Lol! However, it would be quite eerie if u see something else! hmx.....

This is me and Dear'z cousin in hk! Really have to thank her loads for bringing us ard hong kong even though she'z having test! Itz a pity that her sis has A level to handle.. else it would be even better if we could all enjoy together! This photo is taken in the bus! We are heading to the OCEAN PARK! Ocean Park RoX!!

Ok.. I shall end this post with this final photo of the day! Will update more in future with photos taken in the ocean park and others. Really too tired to wait for blogger to upload the photos! I finally can exp. how fans express their love to those stars! Dear'z cousin had to attend GUANG LIANG Concert right after the ocean park trip! And this 2 block isnt that light afterall! We had to pass ard in order to feel a little ease when playing those rides! Not only is it heavy, itz also EXPensive! AI de li liang very strong! Hahah... but itx very nice though!!
OK! Thatx all for the day! Hope u guys will enjoy these photos taken! And also my new blog! hahaha