ITs finally a friday! A day I'm somehow looking forward to because baby is gonna be back from the jungle and I MIGHT be able to see him tonight! I miss him really much! Cant wait to hear his voice to ensure myself that he'z really back SAFE and SOUND!
Apart from that.. everyone knows that I WENT shopping yesterday and b4 that had my major accounting test right? OK.. I shall update on this 2 stuff!
Accounting Examination
It was my first time having to take this major paper in SIM! The exam hall is really BIG and the rules and regulation is like so wierd yet strict unlike poly lifes when u can at least leave ur important stuff in the pocket provided! I felt so uneasy with all my personal belongings in my bag and there are like SO MANY pple crowding ard ur bag. But anyway.. NOTHING was lost. I nearly fall asleep while waiting for the paper to start. I was nearly SHOCK by the question they ask.. So chim! The lecturers have never even taught us anything much at all! Ok.. so I can now not blame myself for not attending his lesson! I wouldnt say that he is lousy but just.. sigh! I dunno! Everyone who knows me knew that I left pretty fast like.. 2hrs for 7 major questions! I couldnt really do much! Dun even bother to check cause I really lose hope on it! I nearly FELL ASLEEP while doing question 4 and I just dun have the mood to continue the rest.. but still I manage to complete the 7 question with everything I know but yet I know its WRONG! Calculation like EBIT, EBITDA and goodwill was memorized in my heart.. but none came out! I can foresee myself repeating this module.. but hack care lar.. I tried my best already! Most of my friends complained abt the paper too! Got back the results for the marketing PROJ! I must say that.. my effort for it wasn't as strong as the others but yet I earn the credits from them. REally got to thank this bunch of friends.. without them.. there won't be Distinction for marketing proj! So I have got dist for the test and proj.. NEXT is.. DIST for the major one! *fat hope* Hahahaha!
Shopping in the evening was great. Met up with Nicholas Tey and Mark Wong cause apparently Mr MARK has to wait for his camry to get serviced! It was my first time out with him alone though.. but for a short while. Nice short outing we had yea..? Bought baby (ok lar... for myself MAYBE).. a wii GAME! Crayon Shinro.. LA PI XIAO XIN game and then head down to town to meet the babes! Mac for dinner then shop for awhile b4 entering to MONT BLANC again! This was my 6th trip down I think! Finally.. it wasn't a wasted trip cause.. I BOUGHT the wallet that baby lurves already. ITs wrapped up so I couldnt really show u guys the wallet but its just a normal wallet that has a money clip inside (his lurves)! Its my first time purchasing something so expensive! Felt the pain piercing when I was paying but.. I felt COMPLETE and EXCITED when I left mont blanc cause I can forsee a SMILE on baby's face and a peck on MY FACE! -CAN't WAIT- Shop ard Charles and Keith for almost an hr cause 3 of us.. are crazy over the WEDGE! Tried like many times and finally we got the SAME PAIR of WEDGE! HF and SA(I'm so gonna call u that in my blog) got the same colour and I got the brown one cause they said they sAW me IN THAT SHOE! hahahah! We had our funs and laughter that we didnt realise it was already 10 plus when we finish taking photos in THE TOILET as usual. Met up with Lionel Koh and Kooichi to head home tgt. Kooichi... U never fail to make me laugh lar.. the whole trip home seems so HAPPY and short! They were nice enuff to send me to the INTERCHANGE! THANKS ah! Went to get Cleo mag in order to make my time faster cause I doubt I will study much for this week! Got home.. played La Pi Xiao Xing! ITs in JAP lar! Dun understand a shit.. but I manage to get 60 points for this event in the game. I had to do THE ULTRAMAN action. Hahaha! The rest are cute too.. just that I dunno the controls for it. They had one that has to jump from one tyre to the other.. as fast as possible. SO CUTE RIGHT! Wii is fun just that its really a hassle to BATH after every game. U will sure SWEAT IT OUT! No more diet pills or exercising cause WII does EVERYTHING.
Some photos that will do the talking! Sasa will do the REST!

The 3 bitches, idiots and BABES!!!!

Shopaholic SASA in action

Shopaholic 2 n ACTION

The gift I bought for baby! Oh my.. the paper bag abit crumpled liao lor. Sigh.. Sis told me that they lower down their budget already. They used to chop those typical red wax stamp on it to signify its uniqueness of mont blanc.. but they do it with STICKERs now! Freakie neh neh! Sigh.. I'm really broke now! Gonna start working! I wanna do my hair, buy sis her present and buy more clothes to dump all my ugly clothings! I wanna do hair extentions.. one that CURLS like a doll! I somehow misses my curl hair!!
Still look so great without make up.. and when I doll up.. it will be.. better!

Haiz.. I miss my curl!!!