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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Aw wee.. new bloggie for a new start! Go to my new blog NOW!!!!

My New Bloggie!!!! I wont be using this bloggie anymore.. so please relink me!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Thursday, December 27, 2007

N73 I really have to thank baby for allowing me to use his N73! Well.. thanks to his NS that he see no reason of having sucha wonderful phone of 3.2mp and truckloads of songs.. and of course.. ME.. being the Giok Sai girl.. I dun mind using sucha wonderful phone. And.. I'm really lazy to upload photos from camera. Imagine all the chores I have to do before sharing with everyone. I need to like.. resize a few hundred photos and I'm really really.. a very LAZY girl. This camera is way too COOL!

Well.. my cranky photo taking session took place today when I'm really feeling so very bored. Was clearing up my cabinets today and thats when I realise.. I have WAY TOO MUCH PERFUME! Well.. there's 3 ladies in the TAN FAMILY so that somehow explains everything!

Check this out.. I have got 2 bottles of Victoria's Secret and a tube of Lotion shimmers, Davidoff, Gucci and so many more! HOW TO USE FINISH!

these are the few perfumes which are my beloved. I love them not because of the scent ( though they smell nice) but because they are given by my love ones. Dior was bought by my dad, Sarah Jessica Parker was from Huifang, DKNY was from baby and the other 2 was from my previous company.

These are the facial products that I'm currently using. The laneige yogurt mask could not be bought in spore.. so peeps who are going HK.. please BUY FOR ME!!!

I bought this hair product when I was in HK. Well.. its some hair treatment thing which I will probably used it when I have got alot of free time in the toilet. I have to leave it on my hair for more than 5 mins on a dampen hair. Hair will feel really soft and straight after that but the colour of the cream looks like phelgm. But I still love this alot.. and its so worth the price lar.. I bought it at $8 for this fat tub.

Alright.. enough of introducing my cheap products. Off to watch my 7pm show! *lurves*

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I thank u babes for bringing such a joyful festive this year! More to come ok? I really HEART u both!! MmmmmmmmUuuuuuuuAaaaaaCccccKkkkkkkkkzzzZZzz!!!!!

My new fren! Got to know her at the party. Fun knowing her! Hahahah!

Boyfriend with his shang babes. Well.. its not everyone that I allow to let my bf take photos with.. SO GIRLs.. enjoy!!!

Me with Ah fang!! ERh.. sorry.. very random photos which I grab from Lisa!

I post this up because .. I find that Lisa camera can make someone younger 10 years! SEE... JUST LOOK AT SYL!!!

WElL.. I look so shock with this gift! Pretty like this photo though!! heehhe! And its me n my dearest baby!! I LOVE U!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Its a saturday filled by short sweetness. It first started out with lunch at Crawford Place. Had Bak Chor Mee at cost $5 (The min. is $4) and it taste Puuurrrffeecct! The vinegar is woo lala!

I really dun mind going back there again. It was shifted from Marina Square(b4 it renovated) to here! And the queue is ALWAYS that long.

Then off to Suntec Toys'ras to get daddy's toy. YES.. the rubix Cube. He has been telling us stories that he couldnt solve it back in the 80s! hahaha! So... see how happy he is when he manage to get hold of it!

Hahaha... Thats my dad and my sis! Apparently, the whole family went to toys'ras to get daddy's toy!

Daddy then drove me to baby's place. And we both drove down to town to get presents for his mum bday gift. Bought a Braun Buffel wallet set.

Took some pictures of the car cause in about a week or so.. this car will fly to Africa already. And I will get to sit the new Toyota WISHIE! REally cant wait to get my ass sat on that luxarious MPV car but of course.. I do miss this Kia too! Though it used to give us ALOT of gear problem and car not starting.. but at least it was that car that help baby to get me. Like.. sending me to town, bringing me out for movies, queuing up for donuts and sending to my place and coming in the wee hrs to comfort me after a huge mess I made with my ex.. and yar.. MORE! Really miss this car loads.. SAYONARA to my dearest Kia! And.. hehe.. welcome Wishie to the Lee family! *can't wait*

Alright! X'mas was really spend very wisely. Gab.. u did a very good job in holding this party. The cans of snow flakes and spray was used up very very WISELY! I really enjoyed myself super much and I'm sure everyone that went enjoy themselves too! Was very surprise to receive some very nice gifts. Felt rather bad when I gave them none and they gave me something.

Ok.. I first start with 23rd Dec where the 3 hot babes met up together for PRE X'mas day. We met up at Cafe cartel with our glam dressing cause we are gonna exchange $100 presents. We were very happy with the gifts we bought for each other actually but we were even happier to see a wide smile on everyone's faces.

Yea.. A evidence of Huifang very LAST MIN xmas wishing for me! Oh.. before I carry on.. the gift exchange procedure is like this.. Lisa suppose to buy for HF, Hf suppose to buy for me and I'm suppose to buy for Lisa (GET IT?).

SEe how happy both of them were! We just cant wait to rip off those wrapping papers actually! Well.. apparently.. I was the only one bother to get wrapping papers and wrap myself.

Oh.. and thats me with the MOST EXPENSIVE GIFT that huifang got for me! Ah... So happy!

Thatx my gift for Lisa. I simply love that guess bag! Hehehe...

Ok.. thats all for the outing for the 3 of us. AFter dinner was movie with Gab and Gang. Went to watch National treasure. Not a bad show. Then Home sweet home.

Xmas eve was spent at Gab's place. But I was at baby's place b4 heading home to change. Finally gave Leon Leon ( baby's bro) and his mum their gifts. REally hope they lurve their gifts esp. his mum's one. Its a Braun Buffel WAllet! Like what I have said above, Gab's place was really great! The celebration is way too cool! Thanks Gab for the present too! Zw gotten me a key chain, Lisa gotten me my fav. hello kitty vaccumm cleaner (which really can suck all the dust on my table), Issac gift was way cool, Amanda gave me a pair of earring which was made by her ( I lurve IT) and SYLVESTER LIM even gave a xmas gift of a HANDCUFF (think kinky!)! I really lurve all the present that was given to the both of us...

Issac's Gift for the both of us! So Sweet right! I lurve it!!! Thank u!!!

Lisa's and AManda's gift for me.

Though I look ghostly here.. but.. well.. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL from the both of us! *lurves*

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

Alright.. its gonna be a random entry of what I have been doing..

I have done all the wrappings needed for xmas.. and I manage to try out some other ways to wrap baby's very HEAVY present. I'm not a art and craft person thus that explains my horrendous way of wrapping present. I simply detest wrapping gift cause u may feel damn excited abt wrapping at start but when ur measurements are wrong.. or u cut at the wrong portion, the WHOLE wrapping paper goes to a waste. However, I manage to wrap baby's present in victory. I manage to twist and turn the present and VIOLA.. I'm done! ERh.. its really me who wrap the present ok.. NOT the TAKA pple(though I use their wrapping paper).

After wrapping, I've got nothing much too do except some ideas of decorating for my sis shoes. Ok.. I must admit I felt art n crafty on monday night after shopping with my sis. ANd.. tata.. look at those splendid ideas we had. ALright.. not that splendid.. but at least it looks not bad ok! Hahahah!

And wednesday came. Went to meet up with baby at Woodlands to walk ard abit. Initial intention was to have our dinner there but we ended up at AMK to have our dinner intead. Slept early that night cause both of us were wear out! I didnt have my afternoon nap at all that day. Thursday came.. and we simply just slack at home with him NEGLECTING me for the whole morning cause he was pissed off with his Touchie not accepting the video's he added in. I wanted to help.. but due to his STUPID SMELLY TEMPER, he want me.. a IT-DIPLOMA student to not BOTHER HIM. So fine...

EVIDENCE.. of me being neglected by LIONEL LEE YONG YEE for TOUCHIE on 20/12/07

AFter about 4-5 hrs of meddling with the computer, he finally allow me to use the com a short while. And after the "IT-PRO" uses it, tata.. we finally solve the situation within mins. YAr.. and that finally brings a smile on his big big face. What a big baby boy I have here.. I swear if there's a punching bag in his room, the whole room will flood with the feathers sew inside the punching bag. He was like so FRUSTRATED! Grr..!

We had our dinner at AMK cental after that.. and then home sweet home for me and back to camp for him. Couldnt really get to sleep last night. Been thinking alot! Life is really fragile like it seems. We just dunno what will happen the very next day. WE can be happy today.. and then a huge virus came and ....

I'm really super pissed with my mum sometimes. Just wished that she would change her attitude towards the surroundings abit. I hate it when she sobs and then complains that her daughter are worthless to be born. Sigh.. LIFE is full of contradiction.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A special post for my dearest Michelle aka MIXUE(in my baby's phone)

We are really sorry for not attending ur 21st birthday bash held at your place. Your dearest kor was down with flu and sore throat. He complains that he hasnt had enough sleep due to the night duty and he is really in NEED of one.

Its really a pity we couldnt attend ur party but we really hope u will like our gift(shared with Iz and gang) and enjoy urself to the fullest.

HAPPY 21st birthday to Michelle

It was your kor's idea of apoloising in my blog! Hahahahhahaha.. to show our sincere apologise.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Went shopping with Sis today.. for XMAS present. I'm finally done with all the presents I need. Got for Kooichi, Issac, My sis, Baby's bro and himself plus a present for gab's party.

My sis in the train. A proof of how she neglects me throughout the whole journey to town. And yes.. see that t shirt she's wearing.. its cost a nicely $500 bucks and she bought 2. I think she's mad!

I'm really lazy to edit the photo. Just see it with ur head tilt.. I'm SORRY!
Ok.. This shoe is actually PLAIN without the studs. And its not actually a shoe.. its a door knob. I really like it so much lar.. but it cost a nicely $16 without the studs. IT was my idea to tell my sis that she should add some studs on it. Now it looks like $160 instead! Tahahha!

We bought loads of stuff back. Sis bought $300 worth of presents and we have like.. 5 2 big taka paper bags and 3 other middle size back to carry. I went home alone cause sis has to head back to the office and I had so much difficulties carrying 3 paper bags myself in the rain. I'm having a big headache now.. and my vision seems blur.. I guess.. I'm SICK!!!

Bought baby this Davidoff perfume set. I really love the smell of davidoff. So MAN lar. Have been wanting to get baby this since mths ago..but I guess xmas is just the right time to purchase. Really hope he likes it.

THatx all for today.. gtg now to decorate the cards. I'm really TIRED!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Went to watch warlords with Iz, Amanda, Kooi..CHI, his bro and Yipeng. The show was aiiighhhtt but abit BORING cause I'm ain't no person who is interested in WAR show. I guess the parts that I like are those where Takashi appears. He's like my ALL TIME favourite actor since I'm a child. Not really worth the 9.50 though. These are shows that I wouldn't mind watching if someone treats me for it. Haha!


Baby and I went to Bras Basah to get my xmas gift. Went to search for my text book too. Baby got me a xmas gift and then off we head to Raffles City. The weather was being good today again. IT WAS POURING! Thank god we brought an umbrella but it was too small to shelther the both of us so.. WE GOT DRENCH still. But it was fun running in the rain at times. Motive was to search baby's prezzie but ended up.. I got Lisa's gift exchange instead. She will sure love it cause I LOVE IT SO MUCH LAR... but it will be so stupid to get the same stuff for myself.. so I GAVE UP the thought of getting the item for myself and chose to give lisa for it. SHE WILL SURE LOVE IT.. I'm so sure.

Walking ard for so long got us FAMISHED. I'm craving for creamy chicken again and we had PASTAMANIA for dinner. Oh man... I must really say that SUNTEC PASTAMANIA's CREAMY CHICKEN is like.. so DELICIOUS! I'm so gonna go back for more man. We went to Marina Square after that and Luo Zhi Xiang happen to be there.. Oh man.. I can't stand those FAN-Zee lar! They are so CRAZY lar.. running and shouting as if the louder they shout, L.Z.X can go home with them like that.SOT!! Cant's get baby his present but finally found out what to get for him liao.. HE NEEDS A IPOD DOCK SPEAKERS with FM radio functions.(FM is for me.. hahah!)But the informative bf would rather check out for more info first instead of impulsive purchasing!


I really adore the present lar. Being a watch lover, obviously baby got me a WATCH lar. Like what he had promised me since DEC last year, he got me a DKNY watch. It was suppose to be Baby G but I cant see myself being that sporty and so baby chose the one with Swaroski Diamonds.

I reallly like this watch so MUCH la (other than the OMEGA watch that sis bought for me). Thank you so much baby!! *smuackers* I'm so gonna flaunt this watch ard.. GIRLS beWARE!!! Esp. u... Miss Lisa!

We got bored while listening to I touch in the bus heading home.. and here's LAMENESS brought to u by Lionel lee and Felicia Tan! How small my hand can be to be covered by his basketballer hand. Grr... what a baby hand I have here.

Sunday, December 16, 2007